Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 259 of 624

Logos 326

Goto table of logos

The Lord says: “Breaking his attachments, the spiritualist does not act with his body, his mind, his intelligence and his very senses, to only one end: to purify oneself. Unlike one who, without union with the Divine, covets the fruits of his labor and thus gets bogged down in matter, the soul established in devotion finds, by offering Me the results of all his acts, a peace without mix”.

Any act done in order to satisfy the spiritual senses of Krishna purifies its author of all material contamination, whether it is from the body, the mind, the intelligence or even the senses. For our actions to be pure, and to have no material consequences, it is enough to act in the consciousness of Krishna, God, and to offer all our actions to the Lord. Whoever puts his words and his body, his mind and his intelligence at the service of the Lord, in the consciousness of God, is perfectly liberated in this world, even if his acts seem material. Freed from the false ego, he does not identify with his body, any more than he believes in its possessor. He knows perfectly well that he and his body belong to Krishna. Using in the service of Krishna all that he possesses (thoughts, words, deeds, body, mind, intelligence, life, goods, etc.), he immediately unites with Him. This is the perfection of the consciousness of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person. He who clings to Krishna and acts only to please Him is liberated; he does not think of enjoying the fruits of his actions. Caring about the results of the action proves that one remains in the grip of duality, ignoring the Absolute Truth, Krishna, God, the Supreme Person. Duality has no place in the consciousness of God. All that exists is the product of the energy of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, Absolute Truth, which is in all respects perfect. And every act related to Krishna is also absolute in nature; purely spiritual, it does not entail any material consequences. The devotee of Krishna therefore knows a perfect serenity, unlike one who is quenched by the morbid thirst for the fruits of the act, of material enjoyment.

The whole secret of the consciousness of God consists in realizing that nothing exists apart from Krishna. Who understands this frees himself from all fear and then knows supreme peace. It is in the consciousness of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, that knowledge and peace reach their peak. Surrender to Krishna through the service of love and devotion in full awareness of God is the most secret teaching, the most confidential.

Logos 327

Goto table of logos

The Lord says: “He whose mind remains ever constant has already conquered birth and death. Flawless, like the Supreme Being, he has already established his abode in Him”.




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