Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 212 of 624

also becomes without weakness, thus qualifying itself to enter the spiritual world. It should in fact be seen as already released.

Logos 246

Goto table of logos

All members of a community, of human society, as well as in the animal kingdom, every cow, dog, goat, lion, ant, etc., has a role to play. Each one must work in agreement with the others, for the benefit of all humanity, which includes not only the mobile beings but also the immobile beings, the plants, the mountains, the hills, the earth.

The man who is at the top of living beings on earth, received from God the order to watch over the well-being of his fellows, animals, plants, but also mountains, hills and the earth whole. All living beings, humans, animals and plants interact and fulfill a role useful to others. God's words teach us and all animals, although of no great importance, should not be neglected but protected, for they too follow the path of spiritual evolution. Each being is important, some however are primarily responsible for the progress of human society, others more indirectly. When the conscience of God reigns, each one finds what will be for him the highest benefit.

This is why God commands us not to harm anyone, humans, animals (crawling, flying, terrestrial, aquatic, etc.), all plants and the whole earth.

Logos 247

Goto table of logos

The Supreme Eternal says: “The absolute love that one has for My Person does not depend on any bodily ties. Whoever always absorbs his mind in Me will soon come to Me, in My eternal company”.

The Eternal Supreme can do as he pleases, but the holy being must always be in accord with the desires of God, in unity with Him. Whoever unites his own interests with those of God and acts as the Lord desires, knows his true interest, for beings who engage in the service of sublime love of the Lord, without any personal motive and without reservation, are without any doubt placed in a favorable condition

God confirms Himself that for the incarnate and conditioned soul, the highest perfection lies in abandonment to his Divine Person. Any other duty, any other responsibility must be rejected. This total surrender to God, the Supreme Person, constitutes the happiest path for the conditioned soul, for the Sovereign Lord is the supreme object of love. It is towards God that all beings finally carry their love, but each one realizes it only in proportion to his knowledge. If one comes to understand that our true identity is that of a spiritual soul, and that this spiritual soul is nothing




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