Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 190 of 624

In the material universe, under the influence of a bodily conception of existence, everyone is following the wrong direction. But when one becomes spiritually realized, one understands that one is distinct from the body and that it is just as futile as it is wrong to act according to the body. It is then that the devotional service can begin.

Logos 209

Goto table of logos

The materialist does not believe that everything is planned and supervised in nature, and he is unaware that if he does something wrong, the beings Heavenly Gods and the Supreme Lord are witnesses of it.

He indulges in the practice of illicit sexual pleasures, and blinded by desire he believes that no one is watching him. Yet the agents of the Supreme Lord carefully note the wrongdoing, and therefore, he will be punished in so many ways. Currently, many pregnancies are due to illicit sex, and sometimes they are deliberately terminated by abortion. The agents of the Supreme Lord witness these sinful acts, and the responsible man and woman are later punished by the harsh laws of material nature. Illicit sexual activity is never excused, and those who engage in it are punished life after life.

The Lord said: These being reborn life after life in the demonic species, never can they approach Me. Little by little, they sink into the most sinister condition of existence.

God, the Sovereign Person, does not allow anyone to break the rigorous laws of material nature; that is why illicit sex life is punished life after life. In fact, the pregnancies that ensue are then unwanted and lead to abortions. The man and woman involved in these sins become responsible for them, so they must suffer the same fate in the next life: they too must enter a mother's womb and be killed in the same way. All this can however be avoided if one remains on the spiritual plane of the Consciousness of God; in this way, no fault is committed. Finally, let us note that illicit sexual life represents the most important of the faults caused by concupiscence. Anyone who comes under the influence of passion is doomed to suffer life after life.

God, his heavenly assistants and heavenly beings are all witnesses of our activities. We can't hide anything from them, because they know everything about us. Members of some religious groups, especially Christians, do not believe in the law of karma, according to which every action has a consequence. The embodied and conditioned soul in this material world believes that it can act on the sly, without anyone noticing its wrongdoing, but there are many witnesses, among them the heavenly beings and the Supreme Soul, God in Person present in the heart of the individual soul. How, then, can we speak of a lack of witnesses?

The Supreme Lord and the other witnesses all do exist, and this is the reason why so many beings are raised up to the higher planetary systems or relegated to the lower




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