Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 183 of 624

time, all beings receive the fruits, good or bad, of their own self-serving acts, or karma. Beings in this world, according to their particular karma, experience a life of pleasure or suffering.

Although God, the Supreme Person, is the original cause of all causes, He is not responsible for suffering or suffering. material happiness of anyone. At no time are individual beings independent. As soon as they declare themselves independent of the Supreme Master, God, they are immediately placed in this material world, in order to be able to freely try their luck, as much as possible. The material world is therefore created for those misguided beings who decide their own karma, or self-interested acts, and take advantage of the time element; thus they fabricate their own destiny, good or bad. All beings are created, all are kept alive for a period of time, and all must eventually die. In these three aspects of life, the Lord is equal to all. It is according to his own karma that the being must suffer or enjoy material existence. The various positions, more or less elevated, attributed to beings in this world, their joys and their sorrows, are due to their own karma.

God is full of benevolence, He gives everyone an equal chance, but each, by the effect of his own karma, must experience in this material world a life of suffering or pleasure.

Logos 197

Goto table of logos

The abandonment of the body is called death, and the acceptance of a new body is none other than rebirth. Death means ending an existence and changing the body, in order to start a new life.

In truth, it is a God-appointed authority that decides on the new body that will be allotted to us. When his body is no longer functioning, the soul must put on another body, sometimes of a different species. Human life is an opportunity to find refuge with a true spiritual master who is a true servant of God and, through him, with the Supreme Lord. No one can avoid this struggle for existence with all the suffering it entails, unless they rely on a pure devotee of the Lord. Any material effort can only superficially modify our condition, without ever being able to truly free us from the struggle for existence. Our only recourse is to turn to a genuine spiritual master, who will reveal to us God as he is, will transmit to us the knowledge of God, will show us the way which leads to the Supreme Eternal and which will take us from death to eternal life.

We can obtain a spiritual body through which it will be possible for us to leave this world and enter the kingdom of God, surrendering ourselves to the Supreme Lord, doing his will and serving him with love and devotion, we will thus put an end to




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