Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 173 of 624

the attributes of material nature. He remains aloof from material influences, although living in a material body”.

A person detached from the influences of material nature remains like the sun reflecting on water: neither the movements of the wave, neither its freshness, nor its instability can affect the sun. Likewise, one who becomes absorbed in the activities of devotional service offered to God becomes as unchanging as the sun whose image is reflected in water. The holy being may appear to be in the material universe, but in fact he lives in the spiritual world. He is not subject to the influences of material nature.

In truth, each individual spiritual being is a tiny part of the Supreme Lord, so their eternal position is to cooperate with Him, to dedicate their energy to Him. Therein lies its unchanging nature. On the other hand, as soon as he uses his energy for the satisfaction of the senses, his position changes. Liberation consists in finding our original position, that of serving the Lord. When the being detaches himself from all material attraction in order to be absorbed in devotional service, this is called immutability.

When a person undertakes an action of his own initiative, it is because he is animated by a certain feeling of possession, he undergoes a reaction at the level of karma; but when she does everything for God, her actions have no consequences. By attaining immutability and by ceasing to take advantage of one's actions, one can immediately establish oneself on a spiritual level, beyond the reach of the influences of material nature.

Logos 179

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Through the devotion dedicated to God, detachment from the material world and the development of spiritual knowledge acquired by focusing on devotional service, we must meditate on the Supreme Soul present in the same body as us, and simultaneously separate from it. We can realize the presence in us of the Supreme Soul also called Holy Spirit.

This is indeed inside our body, but it remains independent of it, because it transcends it. Although inhabiting the same body as the individual soul, (Us), the Supreme Soul has no attachment to it, unlike the individual soul. It will therefore be a question of detaching oneself from the carnal envelope by the practice of devotional service. It is about serving the Supreme Being with love and devotion. When with perfectly pure devotion the incarnate spiritual being serves the Supreme Eternal, the omnipresent Sovereign Lord, he immediately begins to detach himself from the material universe.

When the being is detached from the attraction for material prosperity, then he can truly concentrate his mind on the Holy Spirit. As long as the mind is distracted from




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