Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 166 of 624

original, natural and eternal position consists in serving God, and that it strives to act according to this principle, for it to be immediately freed from the influence of maya, and this, as conditioned as it was.

The Lord takes charge of anyone who surrenders to Him in a sense of helplessness, as a result of which the influence of maya, or the conditioned existence, takes hold. passed out. The spiritual soul is in fact eternal, full of knowledge and bliss. Nevertheless, in the clutches of maya, she must endure the sufferings of birth, disease, old age and death on an ongoing basis. We must seriously apply ourselves to remedying this condition of existence and to developing our awareness of God. We will then be relieved of all our prolonged suffering, without difficulty. The sufferings of the conditioned soul are due to its attachment to the material nature. Let us return our attachment to God.

Logos 167

Goto table of logos

The Lord said: “So, adoring me through an unfailing devotional service, I the omnipresent Lord of the universe, the holy being renounces any desire to reach the Edenic planets or to be happy in this world, with wealth, children, cattle, house or any other object related to the body. This one I take beyond birth and death”.

God advises anyone who wishes to transcend birth and death not to have any material possession. This means that one should not seek to become happy in this world or to be promoted to an Edenic planet, nor should one aspire to material wealth, to a happy descent, to pleasant homes or to life. possession of a large herd. Whatever the holy man obtains by the grace of God, he is content with it. He is not in the least keen on improving his social condition.

He is absorbed in the service of the Lord, and for the rest, he sticks to what is strictly necessary. He does not care what will happen to him in this life or in the next. Without even knowing it, the Lord sees to it that he is led into his absolute kingdom as soon as he leaves his body. After having abandoned his carnal envelope, he will not have to be reborn in the womb of another mother. The ordinary being is indeed introduced after death into the womb of another mother in order to put on a new body, and this, according to his karma, his past acts. But the holy being immediately joins the spiritual world to live there in the company of the Lord. This is the Lord's special mercy.

Because He is almighty, the Lord is free to do as He pleases. He can forgive any fault and make a person instantly gain access to his eternal kingdom. Such is the inconceivable power of God, the Supreme Person, who always shows himself favorable towards his pure devotees.




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