Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 150 of 624

Logos 137

Goto table of logos

punishing those who act badly, the Lord does not feel any joy, because all the spiritual beings distinct from him are, at the origin, tiny parts of his Person. He shows himself no less like thunderbolt with sinners and sweeter than the rose with those who are faithful to him.

Those who act badly, led astray by bad company and by advice opposing the established order by the Lord, thus become liable to punishment. The surest path to happiness is to live according to the principles set forth by the Lord and never to disobey His laws as defined in the original holy scriptures the true gospel for the benefit of all forgetful souls.

the material creation is precisely intended to satisfy divine desire, and the Lord desires nothing other than to allow souls conditioned and therefore unfit to enter the kingdom of God to purify themselves in such a way to be able to access the spiritual world. The whole cosmic phenomenon has but one purpose: to give embodied and matter-conditioned souls a chance to enter the kingdom of God, and to this end, the nature of the Lord provides perfect to the needs of all.

Logos 138

Goto table of logos

The Supreme Lord, Krishna, God, the Sovereign Person, descends into this world to accomplish three missions: to deliver believers, to annihilate demonic disbelievers and to restore spirituality.

But because the Lord is absolute, these first two courses of action ultimately lead to the same result, although their own nature seems to differ. In fact, the killing of an evil being turns out to be as auspicious when it comes from Him as its protective gestures made in favor of believers. In fact, all the demonic disbelievers who fought against God and of course looked upon him, attained the kingdom of the Lord, just as his devotees do. Others, situated in a neutral position, nourishing only a slight affection for the Lord while appreciating the beauty of his face, were immediately raised to the spiritual planets, the Vaikunthas. The personal abode of the Lord is called Goloka Vrindavana, and the realms where his full emanations reside are called Vaikunthas; there the Lord manifests his presence as Narayana.

This spiritual awakening nevertheless takes place in varying degrees. Those whose love for God grows to the highest level of perfection reach the planet Goloka Vrindavana in the spiritual realm, while those who have only rekindled this love incidentally or through spiritual contact gain the Vaikuntha planets. Basically, there is no material difference between Goloka and Vaikuntha; but on the Vaikunthas the




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