Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 143 of 624

Brahma the demiurge and first being created. All are obedient servants of the Lord, and whenever there is any trouble in the administration of the countless planets of the various galaxies, these rulers pray for the Lord to intervene. It is then that he descends into this world.

Verily, the Lord appears in every age, as soon as submissive rulers find themselves in difficulty. He also descends for the pleasure of his pure devotees. The submissive leaders and his pure servants place themselves strictly under his orders, and never infringe his will. That is why the Lord is always very attentive to them.

Where and at any time that pure souls gather to sing the glories of the Lord, he is present, without the slightest doubt. The Lord himself affirms moreover that He always dwells where his pure devotees sing his glories.

Logos 128

Goto table of logos

The Lord appears in the world of mortals in order to annihilate the disbelievers and protect the righteous overwhelmed suffering, which he did 5,000 years ago.

there were on earth at that time a great number of kings whom wealth, education and many subjects had inflated with excessive pride, and which overwhelmed the Earth relentlessly with the movement of their armed forces. The Lord was therefore simply waiting for them all to be gathered on the battlefield of Kuruksetra to destroy them all at once and thus shorten the devastating part of his mission. Unholy rulers, kings and presidents, made proud by their material assets, wealth and education, and by the increase in the number of their subjects, always come to deploy their military might to overwhelm the innocent. At the time when the Supreme Eternal Himself was present on earth, such rulers abounded on the face of the globe, so much so that He made Himself the architect of the Battle of Kuruksetra.

The Lord explained his devastating mission to Prince Arjuna in these terms:

Of My own free will, I came down to earth in the form of inexorable time in order to decrease the number of unwanted people. Apart from you, the Pandavas, they will all perish, warriors of the two opposing armies. The punishment will not wait for your participation; all, by My command, are already annihilated. If you want the glory of being the hero of this battle and winning the stakes of the war, then become, in this struggle, the immediate cause of victory, and let men take the credit to you. I have already put to death all the brave warriors, Drona, Bhisma, Jayadratha, Karna and the other great generals. Have no fear. Fight and you will be celebrated as a great hero.

The coming of the Lord comes to destroy the rebels. His acts are spiritual and absolute in nature, and are open to the understanding of all beings.




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