Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 115 of 624

thought, such are the austerities of the mind. Practiced with faith by men whose goal is not to obtain some material benefit for themselves, but to satisfy the Supreme, the triple union of these austerities proceeds from Virtue. As for ostentatious penances, which seek the respect, honor and veneration of men, they are said to belong to the Passion. They are only unstable and ephemeral. Finally, the penances and austerities accomplished by foolishness, and made of obstinate tortures, or undergone with a view to wounding, destroying, they are said to result from ignorance. The charity dictated by duty, done without expecting anything in return, under fair conditions of time and place, and to those who are worthy of it, this charity is said to be accomplished under the sign of Virtue. But the charity inspired by the hope of reward, or the desire for material fruit, or even done against heart, is said to belong to the Passion. Finally, charity which is not given in due time or in a suitable place, nor to people who are worthy of it, or which is exercised in a disrespectful and contemptuous way, it is said to come under Ignorance”.

Logos 78

Goto table of logos

The law of the strongest, by which every man in this world must struggle to ensure his subsistence, results from the lack of harmony between souls embodied and conditioned by matter, each desirous of dominating material energies.

It is this mentality that is at the origin of their conditioned state. And so that the imitative tendencies of these false lords can freely exercise, the illusory energy of God, called maya or Satan, sowed dissension among conditioned beings by creating for each living species strong and weak. In short, the feeling of dominating material nature, as well as the creation of strong and weak beings, naturally led to disparity, hence the need to struggle to survive.

In the spiritual world however, no dissension, no struggle for existence, because there everyone lives eternally and no disparity either. Everyone is committed to the service of the Supreme Lord, free from any desire to imitate the Lord by becoming the beneficiary of everything. Creator of all that is, including living beings, the Lord is the true master and beneficiary of all things. On the other hand in the material universe, the distinct being, under the spell of maya, of illusion, or Satan, loses the sense of his eternal relationship with the Supreme Lord, and becomes subject to the conditioning of the law of the strongest. and the struggle for existence.

Logos 79

Goto table of logos

The Lord said: “When they have reached Me, the holy beings imbued with devotion, these great souls, these noble souls, never return again in this transitory world where




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