Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 108 of 624

peace. As soon as the soul, incarnated and conditioned by matter, revives its relationship with God a little, it frees itself from the illusion into which material energy has plunged it and is filled with the desperate desire to live in contact with the Lord. However, this union is possible, not only in contact with the very Person of the Lord, but also with his Name, his Fame, his Form and his Attributes.

Logos 64

Goto table of logos

The anger of men who desire dominating the material nature causes, by the interaction of the war, the annihilation of the number of the undesirable beings.

Decisions of the acts of war take place within the company only because of the men, the Lord is not in anyway responsible.

However, He who ensures the maintenance of creation also wishes that men in their mass adopt the right path of spiritual realization, and thus be able to access his divine kingdom. The Lord has no other desire than to see suffering souls return to their original home, to find their place with Him, far from the three sources of material suffering. Suffering from the body and mind, those caused by other living entities, and those originating from the elements of material nature, extreme cold or heat, lightning, earthquakes, hurricanes, drought.

This is what the whole creation was conceived for, and whoever does not come to his senses and come to this conclusion that he must return to God, to his true home., will have to continue to suffer in the material universe, to undergo the kicks of the illusory energy of the Lord.

Logos 65

Goto table of logos

No one should boast of having acquired wealth and / or power by his own means. All powers and powers come from the original source, God, for he is absolute. They work as long as He desires, and lose all reality as soon as He withdraws them.

Such powers can be allotted or withdrawn in the space of an instant by the supreme will of the Lord. Man does not know that beyond the laws of nature lies the Supreme Lord, the sovereign master, and that under his order the laws of nature operate. Therefore, whenever there is peace in the world, we must know that it is due to the goodwill of the Lord. And likewise, when society experiences some commotion, it should also be seen as the supreme will of the Lord. Not a blade of grass moves outside the will of the Lord. Whenever there is a transgression of the order established by the Lord, conflicts and wars arise between men and between nations.




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