The Words of God
Page 99 of 121

By the grace of the spiritual master, one can receive the mercy of Krishna. Without the mercy of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, no one can make any progress. So we must always remember our spiritual master, praise him, and pay homage to him. He is to be honored just like the Supreme Lord, for he is his most intimate servant. If one devotes himself to the spiritual life under the direction of a genuine spiritual master, and thus dedicates himself to the service of love and devotion which he offers to the Lord, he becomes worthy to see the Sovereign Person face to face.. We must obey the instructions of the spiritual master, for this is how one becomes worthy to see Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person says:

Seek to know the truth by approaching a spiritual master. Ask him about her submissively and while serving him. The realized soul can reveal knowledge to you, for it has seen the truth.

This teaching is intended for the holy being full of faith who is respectful towards his spiritual master, who is devoid of envy, friendly with all beings whoever they are, and eager to render service with faith and sincerity.

This message must be transmitted by the spiritual master to those for whom the Sovereign Person is dearer than anything, those who do not envy person, who are perfectly cleansed and who have detached themselves from all that is foreign to Krishna consciousness.

One who, if only once, meditates on Me with confidence and affection, who hears and sings My glories, be assured of returning to God, in his original abode.

I have enlightened for you the way allowing to understand the Absolute Truth, thanks to which one can truly grasp what touches the matter and the 'spirit (soul) as well as their relationship

Philosophical research culminates in the knowledge of God, the Supreme Person. Whoever, having mastered this science, frees himself from the influences of material nature, reaches the level of devotional service. So whether it is directly through devotional service or through philosophical research, the goal always remains to reach God, the Supreme Person.

The path of spiritual realization that I have outlined to you is not presents no difficulty. You can easily borrow it, and thus achieve liberation very quickly, even in this lifetime.

True spiritualists do not fail to heed My instructions, as I have given them to you. You can be assured that by rigorously following this path of spiritual realization, you will free yourself from the dreaded taint of matter and will finally join Me.





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