The Words of God
Page 101 of 121

The eight characteristics of a liberated person.

In truth, liberation is to regain our original position, that of serving the Lord with love and devotion. It is to detach from all material attraction in order to become absorbed in the loving and devotee service offered to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, this is called immutability. Liberation is also breaking the chains that hold us prisoners of matter and this material world, in order to return to the eternal kingdom of God. The service of the Lord is that level of perfection that we call the highest liberation.

Here are the eight characteristic traits of a person already liberated, of a soul which is still in his carnal envelope.

1°)   She does not commit any sinful activity.
Indeed, so many as one undergoes the hold of maya, the energy of illusion which is akin to Satan, within the material energy, one is forced to commit sinful activities. Men thus lead a life of sin.
In contrast, the soul freed in its present life is not guilty of any fault. This is why:

2°)   She does not have illicit sex, outside of marriage

3°)   She does not eat meat, fish or eggs

4°)   She does not use exciting products or toxic substances; drugs, alcohol, coffee, tea, cigarettes.

5°)   She does not play games of chance, gambling.

6°)   She is not affected by the sufferings of old age.

7°)   She prepares no longer to clothe material bodies, all destined to perish.

8°)   She no longer falls back into the cycle of repeated deaths and rebirths.

In addition, material joys and sorrows leave her indifferent. The liberated being no longer desires for material enjoyment, the pleasure of the senses, for he has no other aspiration than to serve Krishna, the dearest object of his desires, with love and devotion. In truth, all of his desires are with Krishna, the Supreme Truth, and he wants nothing else. Finally, all his desires are fulfilled by the grace of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person. Either way he doesn't ask for anything for himself, and if he wants anything, it is only to serve the Supreme Lord with undisguised joy. This desire is fulfilled by the grace of the Lord.

At this stage of liberation, the holy being develops in him the qualities of God, the Supreme Person, and returns to the spiritual world, to his original abode, to the Lord. Thus, like Krishna who is never born, nor dies, those of his devotees who return to




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