The Words of God
Page 119 of 121

Abandonment to God and devotional service is the sure way to approach Krishna, enter into his kingdom, see him face to face, and live with him in unbroken bliss for eternity

Perfect knowledge which leads to God.

He whose mind and mind, refuge and faith rest in God, sees pure knowledge rid of him of all his doubts. He then advances with a firm step on the path of liberation, of salvation.

He whose thoughts, intelligence and faith remain fixed on God, taking total refuge in Him, is freed from doubt and possesses perfect knowledge of everything that has to do with the absolute, that is, God. He knows that he is both One with the Lord and distinct from Him. Armed with this spiritual knowledge, he surely progresses on the path to liberation.

It is in the consciousness of God that knowledge and peace reach their peak. The man of faith bathed in absolute knowledge and master of his senses, knows the highest spiritual peace.

He whose actions are imbued with devotion, the pure soul, master of his senses and of his mind, is dear to all, and all are dear to him. Although always active, he never falls into the traps of karma, the law of cause and effect. He puts his words and his body, his mind and his intelligence at the service of the Lord, in the consciousness of God, the consciousness of Krishna, is perfectly liberated in this world, even if his actions seem material.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person tells us:

It is only through devotional service, and only thus, that one can know me as I am. And the being who, through such devotion, becomes fully aware of My Person, can then enter My absolute kingdom.

To those who always serve Me and adore Me with love and devotion, I give intelligence through which they can come to Me.

The material manifestation is constantly changing, and the universe, with all its celestial beings, constitutes the universal form of the Supreme Lord; and I am that Lord, the Master of sacrifice, who as the Supreme Soul dwells in the heart of every incarnate being. Whoever, at death, at the very moment of leaving the body, remembers Me alone, immediately attains My abode, do not doubt it.

So in Me, Krishna, in My personal form, always absorbs your thoughts, without failing. Dedicating your actions to Me, turning your mind and intelligence to Me, without a doubt you will come to Me.





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