The Words of God
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spiritual masters, qualified servants of the Supreme Lord and strictly adheres to the principles of religion decreed by God, has no reason to lose heart.

whatever the trials which the incarnate being must face, the Supreme Lord remains at his side, the support and the reliever of all despair.

How to reach the Absolute, God, the Supreme person.

We do not we must not waste our time seeking the pleasure of the senses in this world but rather we must strive to regain our original position in the service of love and devotion that we offer to God, the Supreme Person.

God is like a fire from which sparks spring up, the individual beings distinct from Krishna, and when these sparks move away from the fire, they lose their natural brilliance. This is how living things come to this material world just like sparks that depart from fire. The distinct being, wanting to imitate Krishna, strives to reign supreme over material nature. He forgets his original position, and his illuminating power, his spiritual identity and finds himself almost extinct. However, if the matter-conditioned living being adopts Krishna consciousness, the consciousness of God, then he will be restored to his natural position. The path of devotional service enables all conditioned souls to revive their original consciousness, their Krishna consciousness, and to escape the sufferings of material existence.

Only when the individual being distinct from the Lord surrenders himself to God, the Supreme Person, that his liberation from material existence is assured. Surrender to God, the Supreme Person, is the only cause of liberation.

A liberated being, whose consciousness is established in Krishna, does not really live in this world even if he is still there. He who is absorbed in the consciousness of God is a liberated being. This one has no real connection with the material world. He who attains the spiritual and absolute level frees himself from the cycle of repeated deaths and rebirths. The mere fact of knowing the absolute nature of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, frees from the chains of the cycle of death and rebirth. When he leaves his material body, the liberated being then returns to his original home, in the kingdom of God.

Let us surrender ourselves to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, and serve Him with love and devotion, and at the death of our body we will find our spiritual body through which we will enter the kingdom of Krishna, all with knowledge, of happiness and eternity. This is the true resurrection.





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