Chaitanya, The Golden Avatar
Page 87 of 103

By his ecstatic aspect, He is the source of the power of bliss. By his eternal aspect, He is the cause of all that exists, and by his conscious aspect, He embodies supreme knowledge. The Name Krishna designates this sovereign knowledge. In other words, Krishna, the Supreme Person, is the reservoir of all knowledge, all pleasure and all eternity. Krishna's supreme knowledge manifests through three energies: the internal, the marginal and the external. Through his internal energy, He exists in Himself with his spiritual surroundings, through his marginal energy, He manifests in the form of living beings, and through his external energy, He manifests as the form of material energy. The manifestation of each of these energies rests on a background of eternity, bliss and knowledge.

The conditioned soul embodies the marginal energy under the influence of the external energy. However, when marginal energy comes under the sign of spiritual energy instead, it becomes worthy of the love of God. The Supreme Lord enjoys six excellences. In reality, Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, is the Master of all energies, while the individual being distinct from the Lord, an infinitesimal fragment of his Person, can be subjugated by material energy.

The Mundaka Upanishad (sacred text) gives us the example of two birds perched on the same tree. One of them eats the fruit while the other just observes it. When the first turns to the second, he frees himself from all anxiety. This is the position of the infinitesimal being. As long as he forgets God, the Supreme Being, he remains the prey of the three forms of suffering [Those arising from the body and mind, those caused by other living entities, and those which originate from the elements of nature material, such as extreme cold or heat, lightning, earthquakes, hurricanes, drought, etc.]. But as soon as he turns to the Supreme Lord, or becomes his devotee, he frees himself from all the anguish and suffering inherent in material existence.

The distinct being (the individual soul distinct from God) is eternally subordinate to the Sovereign Lord, who forever remains the Master of all energies, while the distinct being is always under the control of the energies of the Lord. Although qualitatively identical to the Supreme, the living being seeks to dominate material nature, if only being infinitesimal, he is subject to the domination of material nature. Also it is said to represent the marginal energy of the Lord. Because it tends to be dominated by material nature, the living being can at no time be One with the Supreme Lord. If the distinct being were equal with God, he could never be dominated by material energy. The distinct being is like one of the energies of the Lord, although inseparable from its source, the energy cannot be equal to it. In other words, the living being is simultaneously different and not different from the Supreme Lord. Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego are the eight elementary energies of the Supreme Being, lower quality energies, while the distinct being is found to be of higher quality. The Supreme Lord is Eternal, all knowledge and bliss. Cosmic manifestation is a transformation of the energy of the Lord, although the Lord and his energy are non-different and inseparable. Even though He produces the gigantic cosmic manifestation, the Supreme Lord still retains His transcendent form.




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