Chaitanya, The Golden Avatar
Page 79 of 103

When a person constantly engages in devotional service to Krishna by chanting his Holy Name, he becomes so attached to this chanting that his heart naturally softens, without any further effort being required. The manifestations of ecstasy then appear in her, so much so that she sometimes laughs and sometimes cries, singing or dancing, not in a particularly artistic way, but rather as if she had lost her mind.

The spiritual happiness that the song of the hymn

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare

brings is like an ocean in front of which all other happiness, including that of impersonal realization, resembles the thin trickle of water from a ditch.

The song Hare Krishna means: - O Lord, O energy of the Lord, let me serve You!

The spiritual sound vibrations of the sublime chanting of the Holy Names, allows to obtain the highest fruit of spirituality, that of being raised up to Goloka Vrindavana, the highest planet of the spiritual world. One can thus immediately appreciate the benefits which flow from the advent of Lord Krishna; and the fact that He thus relieved the burden on mankind is nothing extraordinary.

Rather, it is recommended to sing the hymn:

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.

In fact, in this Kali Age, the Iron Age, under the sign of discord, there is no other way of spiritual realization that is worthwhile. God, Absolute Truth and Supreme Person, can be compared to an inferno of which the innumerable living beings are sparks. Although they both participate in fire, the living being differs from the Sovereign Visnu in that he is only a spark, infinitesimal, while He is infinite. However, since the infinitesimal souls emanate from the original and infinite Soul, their first and eternal condition does not include any trace of matter. Living beings are never the equals of Narayane, Visnu, who transcends material creation. In reality, living beings do not belong to temporal creation any more than Visnu Himself. But why, at the beginning, to have created such tiny spiritual sparks?

The answer lies in the fact that the Supreme and Absolute Truth is only perfect in every way when It is both infinite and infinitesimal. If She was only infinite, She wouldn't be completely perfect. Its infinite aspect is the Visnu-tattva, that is to say God, the Supreme Being, while living beings constitute its infinitesimal aspect. The infinitesimal desires of the Supreme Lord generate the spiritual world while the infinitesimal desires of living beings give birth to the material world. When tiny beings seek to satisfy their limited desires for material enjoyment, they are referred to as jiva-shakti, while when they bind to Infinity, they are referred to as liberated souls. We therefore do not have to wonder why God created infinitesimal beings. They are quite simply complementary to Him.




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