The words Of Krishna, Christ, God, The Supreme Being
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The reasons for the advent of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person in this material world.

Lord Krishna is the original Person, such as his identity.

However, those who have little knowledge think that the Supreme Lord is formless. He has no form in the material sense but He has a transcendental form, all of knowledge, bliss and eternity.

Lord Krishna said, “I appear through My inner power.

Whenever anywhere in the universe spirituality sees a decline, and irreligion rises, I go down in person.

I appear from age to age, in order to deliver My devotees, destroy the unbelievers, and restore the principles of spirituality.

If I abstained, all galaxies would sink into desolation. Because of Me, man would beget unwanted offspring. Thus, I would disturb the peace of all beings.

No matter what a great man does, the masses always follow in his footsteps. The whole world follows the standard he sets by his example.”

When Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead comes to this world, it is certainly to protect his devotees and annihilate the demonic disbelievers, but it is also to restore spirituality and spread spiritual knowledge, for the good of all living beings.

Spiritual knowledge cuts the knot of the heart. Spirit and matter are bound by the knot of the false ego. The false ego is to want to dominate matter, but it is also to identify with its body of matter and to ignore being, in truth, a spiritual soul. Now, this identification of self with matter exists for all souls conditioned by illusory matter and energy, and this knot becomes tighter and tighter when spiritual entities conceive of an excessive attraction to fleshly pleasures. Avatar Rsabhadeva explained to his sons that the material universe is a place of attraction between male and female principles. This attraction takes the form of a knot in the heart, which tightens under the influence of material attachment. For those who yearn for material possessions as well as social bonds, friendship and love, this attachment, this knot, becomes very powerful.

Only instructions reviving spiritual knowledge can sever this knot and tear it to pieces, to naught. No material weapon is required, because only authentic spiritual instructions can overcome it. When the Lord appears in this material world, He spreads spiritual knowledge, in order to cut the knot of identification with matter. He is the Supreme Teacher.

The Lord personally comes to the material universe to reveal his spiritual and absolute entertainments, as typically manifested in Vrindavana, Mathura and Dvaraka, the three major regions of his absolute kingdom. It seems for the sole purpose of attracting conditioned souls to Him, so that they may return to their original abode in the eternal world.




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