Getting To Know God
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performed deeds of virtue and where they drank and ate. It was only then that an arrangement was made for everyone to return from where he came from, so that others could see that the powerful Yadu dynasty was no longer of this world.

This demonstration of its inner power is eternal, so that no one should consider that Yadus and Bhojas perished in a banal fratricidal war caused by drunkenness.

The pure soul Uddhava resumed his story:

“After thus following Him, I saw my Lord and Master Krishna sitting alone and plunged in his thoughts, having found refuge near the banks of the Sarasvati, He the refuge of the goddess of fortune. Dark is the Body of the Lord but also eternal, all of happiness and knowledge, and of indescribable beauty. Serenity lives in his eyes with reddish reflections like the rising sun. With his four arms, with the distinctive emblems He held and with his yellow silk garment, I could immediately recognize in Him the Supreme Lord, God. He was sitting leaning against a young banyan, his lotus-like right foot resting on his left thigh, and although he had given up the comforts of home, I found him rather happy watching him in that posture.”

The Lord had finished his entertainment in this small universe (of all universes (galaxies) the Milky Way is the smallest, because the youngest), but since He is absolute and knows eternal bliss, whether He abandons something or It does not make any difference to him. The Lord was thus preparing to leave our universe to go to another, in the manner of the sun which, simultaneously, rises on one planet and on another goes down, but without changing position.

The Lord was sitting in a secluded place, on the verge of disappearing at the sight of the inhabitants of this universe (galaxy).

Lord Krishna says, “I am now going to disappear from this material universe, and I see that Uddhava, the best of My devotees, is the only one to whom I can directly confide the knowledge which relates to My Person”.

The Lord had transmitted a confidential message to Uddhava concerning the mystery of his disappearance and the annihilation of his dynasty after the hundred years of his stay in our universe had passed. All were to be deeply desirous to know the mystery of the destruction of the Yadu dynasty, so the Lord had to explain it to Uddhava so that he would carry the message to Nara-Narayana and the other pure sages living in Badarikasrama. The great sages are unaware that beyond the material universe is the spiritual world, where Lord Krishna resides eternally with his companions, while manifesting his entertainment within the mortal world, in all universes, one after the other.

It is written, “The Lord, by his inconceivable power, dwells in his eternal abode, Goloka, but as a Supreme Soul, He is simultaneously everywhere present in the material universe as well as in the spiritual world through his manifold events.”




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