Getting To Know God
Page 79 of 176

Devaki's milk, because he had once fed Krishna, was a sublime, spiritual nectar. Thus, the children who suckled Devakiji's breast, which had touched Sri Krishna's body, immediately reached spiritual realization. So they offered their homage to Krishna, Balarama, their father Vasudeva and mother Devaki. Then, they were immediately transported each to their respective Edenic planet.

After their departure, Devaki found himself again stupefied at the thought that his dead children had returned and that once again they had left, but this time to regain their respective planet. She could not adapt to the events that had just unfolded until she thought of Krishna's entertainment, where, because of the inconceivable powers of the Lord, all wonders are likely to occur. In truth, unless one accepts the inconceivable and limitless powers of the Lord, no one can understand the identity of Krishna as a Supreme Soul or Holy Spirit. By his infinite powers, He accomplishes infinite entertainments, which no one can describe or comprehend in their totality.

Understand, I pray you, that the absolute entertainment of Krishna is all eternal. Their narrative does not amount to mere narratives of historical facts; he is identical to the very Person of the Lord. As a result, whoever hears or reads the story of the Lord's entertainment becomes immediately cleansed of the taint of material existence. And pure sages, for their part, enjoy it as a nectar poured into their ears.

Whoever hears them, reads them or repeats them to others, becomes aware of Krishna. And only Krishna conscious beings qualify to reintegrate their original home into the Kingdom of God.

Appearance and disappearance of Lord Krishna.

We must recognize Lord Krishna as the Absolute Truth, the Cause of all causes. He actually appeared in a form similar to the human form and walked on the earth. To grasp the transcendental character of its appearance is so important that if one only realizes this aspect there at the moment of death, one no longer has to return to this material world, but one leaves to join Krishna in the eternal spiritual world. called Vaikuntha:

The Supreme Lord says: “He who knows the absolute of My coming and My deeds will not have to be reborn in the material universe, leaving his body, he enters My eternal Kingdom.”

Krishna appeared on earth 5000 years ago. But this advent, such as the birth of Krishna on a planet in one of the material universes, is not a single event. It's always happening somewhere, even as you read this lesson. Lord Krishna appears and disappears in his spiritual entertainment.

All the entertainment that Krishna manifests on earth, continually moves and appears in successive sequences on planets in different universes.




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