Getting To Know God
Page 71 of 176

The Lord is in the midst of the kuruksetra battle that He organized to destroy the demonic miscreants including kings and their accomplices. For this, he played the role of driver of Arjuna's tank.

When, to see the military leaders and the combatants ready to fight on the field of battle, Arjuna, king and friend of Krishna, seemed lost, his intelligence confused, the Lord dispelled his trouble by giving him the spiritual knowledge.

In Vedic times, it was the duty of kings and military leaders to stand at the forefront of the fighting lines, and that during the battle itself. They would never have acted like the so-called heads of state and defense ministers of our modern governments, who remain peacefully at home while their poor soldiers or mercenary troops clash on the battlefield. These may be the ways of modern democracy, but at the time of the monarchy, the true one, kings were not cowards, elected regardless of their social rank and qualities required to sit on the throne. At the Kuruksetra battle, for example, all the heads of state -Drona, Bhisma, Arjuna, Duryodhana, and all the others, on both sides, participated actively in the fight, which also took place, note it, in a definite place, far from any residence: none remained in the shadows, simply supplying the troops. For not only did the kings fight bravely, but they also ensured that innocent citizens were not affected by the fight. The latter, moreover, considered without fear the outcome of the battle: whatever it might be, they would continue to hand over to the king, whether he was Arjuna or Duryodhana, a quarter of their income as a tax.

The generals on both sides of the Kuruksetra battlefield stood face to face, and when Arjuna saw them, a feeling of great compassion was in him, and he began lamenting having to slay his own to find A Kingdom. Not that he was, in any respect whatsoever, afraid of the imposing military deployment of Duryodhana, but he was a devotee of the Lord, therefore merciful, and the renouncement of the goods of the Earth was natural to him; that is why he decided not to fight only for material benefits, which would have forced him to kill his relatives. However, his decision was based on incomplete knowledge, hence the use of the words “confused intelligence”. It is true, on the other hand, that Arjuna could not at any moment see his intelligence falter, for he was a devotee and a constant companion of the Lord. If, then, she seemed to be troubled, it is only so that the teachings of the Bhagavad-gita (or Words of Krishna, Christ, God, the Supreme Person) that he received from Krishna Himself can be revealed on the battlefield, for the good of all conditioned souls, to whom they address, they truly misguided, chained to the matter because they attach themselves to illusory relationships related to their body. The teachings of the Bhagavad-gita are addressed to all conditioned souls; they were given to them in order to free them from this identification of the soul with the body, from this false concept of the self, and from the bond which unites it to the Supreme Lord. It was for the benefit, therefore, of all fallen souls, in all parts of the universe, that the Lord uttered the sublime knowledge of his Person.




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