Getting To Know God
Page 46 of 176

in their language. And likewise, he speaks the dialect of Kashmir, converses with parrots and other birds, and uses every other common language, always with the greatest expressiveness.”

The perfect purity of Krishna

There are two kinds of perfect purity. One allows the one who possesses it to deliver a fallen soul from its sinful condition, the other keeps the one who is pledged against any impure act. It is said of anyone who possesses one or other of these qualities that his purity is perfect; and Krishna, Him, holds them both.

Of all those who have the power to liberate beings from their ills, Krishna is the greatest. He is the purest Being and He purifies everything He touches. Any matter impure to its contact is purified instantly. It is the same with all impure or demonic beings that Krishna touches, they become immediately pure.

The immutability of Krishna

Krishna never leaves his original position, not even when He appears in this universe of matter. Ordinary beings, for their part, sometimes see their spiritual nature veiled; they then forget their natural condition, and successively assume different bodies, to act according to various concepts of existence. Krishna does not change his body. He appears as He is, and is never touched by the influences of material nature.

He acts with perfect independence, in keeping with his absolute position. This is the special mark of the Lord.

The omniscience of Krishna

It is said to be omniscient who knows the feelings and actions of all beings, at all times and in all places. This is Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, whom he has known all of us since eternity.

The form of eternity, knowledge and happiness of Krishna

The spiritual body of Krishna is all eternity, knowledge and bliss. The spiritual body of Krishna exists forever, at all times and in all places; in other words, He lives in every bit of time and space. His spiritual body is bathed in knowledge. Krishna has nothing to learn from anyone: He has in himself all knowledge. Krishna and his spiritual body are one, with no difference between him, his body, and his soul, which is why he is the source of all pleasure. He is a source of happiness and eternity.




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