Getting To Know God
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Those who have little knowledge think that the Supreme Lord is formless. In truth, He has no form in the material sense, but He has a transcendent form, all of knowledge, bliss and eternity.

He is absolute knowledge personified and the Supreme Teacher. He is the source of perfect purity, absolute perfection, unlimited wisdom, perfect and absolute knowledge, goodness and all enlightenment. He is goodness personified and absolute good. He possesses in his Divine Essence all the source principles, that is why He is his own origin and the original source of Everything.

In truth, the ultimate goal of existence is to seek to know Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, the One Absolute without a second, the absolute Truth, as It really is. Infinite and Absolute, He is Absolute Existence, Absolute Consciousness and Absolute Bliss. He is the unique, original source of all that exists, everything emanates from Him. He is the cause of all causes. Apart from Him there is nothing, for He is the All.

His sublime form is all knowledge, bliss, eternity, reality, and shines with the most perfect splendor. He is the Primordial and Absolute Light, which illuminates and purifies Everything. He is the pure Essence of beauty, and absolute splendor personified. [For more about the sublime beauty of Lord Krishna see logos 440 in the book Pure Spiritual Science].

He is Eternal Life, the Master of Immortality and therefore immortal Himself, the Supreme Lord can bestow this quality on His devotees. He is the Master of all blessings.

He is the source and pure essence of bliss, which approaches and serves him with love and devotion is immediately, permanently and ceaselessly immersed in a sublime ineffable happiness. True happiness is found with Him and nowhere else. He is the source of all energies, of all Avatars, full emanations of his Person. It is the original major ingredient, the original category and substance, the cause of cosmic manifestation.

Lord Krishna is the completed form of eternity, knowledge and bliss. He is the ultimate abode, the ultimate refuge, the sovereign purifier, and the purest of all purs.

He is always calm, peaceful, quiet, smiling and gentle. He has a very beautiful deep voice, and his words are very sweet and melodious.

To know God is to enter into pure light and eternal life.

How to unravel the mystery of God?

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person answers: It is only by devotional service, and only thus, that one can know Me as I am. And the being who, through such devotion becomes fully aware of My Person, can then enter My absolute kingdom.




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