Getting To Know God
Page 141 of 176

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, the Absolute One without a second, is everywhere.

The Supreme Lord says:

“There is really nothing that exists outside Me, that's what you have to clearly understand.”

“My supreme kingdom, neither the sun, nor the moon, nor the electric force illuminates it. For whom it reaches, no return to this world.”

“This Universe is entirely penetrated by Me, in My unmanifested form. All beings are in Me, but I am not in them. At the same time, nothing that is created is in Me. See my supernatural power! I support all beings, I am everywhere present, yet I remain the very source of all creation. Just as in the ethereal space stands the powerful wind, blowing everywhere, so, know it, in Me stand all beings.”

Naturally, we imagine the spiritual world according to the universe we know, with its sun, its moon, its stars ... Now, the spiritual world does not need, for the illumination, neither the sun, nor of the moon, nor of fire, nor of any other luminous energy, for it is luminous by itself, already bathed in the radiance which emanates from the divine body of God, the dazzling light radiated by the Body of the Lord. This kingdom, this abode of the Lord, unlike the material planets, is easy to access. It is called Goloka, and Lord Krishna never leaves Goloka, his kingdom and yet, from where we are, we can approach him, because, precisely for this purpose, He chooses to manifest in this world its real form, all of knowledge, happiness and eternity.

From Krishnaloka, or Goloka Vrindavana, supreme and original place, planet of the Supreme Lord, emanates the dazzling light of the spiritual world. In this radiance bathe innumerable spiritual planets, of which the Lord teaches that whoever reaches them never returns in the material universe. There is no suffering, no birth, no sickness, no old age, no death, peculiar to all material planets. Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is the only Monarch of the entire spiritual realm, three times larger than the material cosmos, and all beings who live there are conscious of Him. Although still present in his own planet, Krishnaloka or Goloka Vrindavana, larger than all the spiritual planets and the material cosmos gathered that He never leaves, He reigns at the same time on each of the spiritual planets in his various divine forms. That is his all power.

There are innumerable spiritual planets called Vaikuṇṭha in the spiritual world, and on each of them reigns Lord Krishna in the presence of his entourage and all that belongs to him. In the spiritual world everything is eternal. The Lord tells us that before creation He already existed in all its fullness, with all its divine perfections,




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