Getting To Know God
Page 135 of 176

The path of devotion is a set of rules governing the worship of the personal and primordial form of the Lord, leading the holy being to constantly think of God; such is samadhi, absorption in transcendence. He who follows this path can not depart from his service to the Lord; he thus achieves the perfection of the mission which falls to him as a human being.

The distinct beings of God, and of one another, have the function of serving Him by the offering of sacrifices, since He is the legitimate beneficiary of the fruits of all sacrifice. Knowing this, everyone should serve the Lord with devotion, dedicating his life, riches, intelligence, and words to him. Such is the original and natural position of living beings.

The Lord exists eternally in different spiritual and absolute forms.

It is written in “The true gospel”:

“The Lord manifests himself as He is, that is to say, as Krishna, God, the Sovereign Person, and He is accompanied by His emanations, like Rama, Baladeva, Sankarsana, Narayana, Maha-Visnu, etc...”

The holy beings worship all these forms according to their personal taste, and the Lord, out of affection, presents himself to them in the form that they adore. It even happens to him, always out of affection or to answer the wishes of his devotee, to appear personally before him in his own form of Krishna. The holy being always abandons himself fully to the service of love of the Lord, and He makes himself visible to his eyes according to his desire. He introduces himself to him as Rama, Krishna, Nrsimhadeva, etc. This is how love is exchanged between the Lord and his devotees.

He is the Supreme Truth, He who exists inside and outside, at the beginning and at the end of all things and all living beings, as the object of pleasure and the beneficiary of the pleasure that brings. all things, inferior and superior. It exists eternally as knowledge and object of knowledge, the expression and the object of understanding, darkness and light. So the Supreme Lord is all that is.

Śrīmatī Rādhikā, transformation of the love of Kṛiṣhṇa, is its internal power called hlādinī. This power called hlādinī is a source of pleasure for Kṛiṣhṇa and feeds his devotees.

The body of Kṛiṣhṇa is all eternity, knowledge and happiness. His unique spiritual power has three aspects.

We call hladin his aspect of happiness, sandhinī his aspect of eternal existence, and samvit his aspect of perception, which can also admit the term of absolute knowledge.




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