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He will kill all evil demonic beings, all those who live outside the standards of Vedic culture [of Vedas, the original holy scriptures], such as atheists, and thus will destroy the bad state of the world. He does not come to teach, but simply to chastise, punish and purify the entire planet. He will restore justice to the earth, and the minds of those living at the end of the Kali Age, the Iron Age, will be awakened and crystal clear. Human beings who will thus be changed into being righteous in this particular time will give birth to offspring which will follow the laws of the golden age, the age of virtue, the age of purity, the age of the truth.

He will gather all the distinguished wise scholars and spiritual guides, and offer the highest truth. It will eliminate the prolonged hunger of the genuine sages and godly beings.

He will be the only ruler of the world, the one above whom there is no one, who also has no equal, who also cannot be controlled, and will be the banner of adorable victory for the world.

After that a new age, that of virtue will begin.

When the Supreme Lord appeared on earth as Kalki, the upholding of religion, the golden age, that of virtue will begin, and human society will generate virtuous descendants.

When the present era is almost over, at the junction point of two ages, that is, when the kali or iron age ends, the present era, and a beginning of a new era, that of virtue, when almost all the rulers of the earth have become plunderers, then the Supreme Person will appear in the village of Sambhala, in the house of the great wise scholar, Visnu Yasa, and take the name of Kalki.

Kalki means: eternity, eternal time.

The name Kalki is derived from the word Kala, which means: time.

Thus, Kalki can mean: the end of times, or eternity, or the one who will end times. There is also in Sanskrit the word Kalka, which means: dirt or impurity.

Kalki literally means: eternity, eternal time, the Master of time, the one who can do everything, the one who removes sins and faults, the destroyer of blemishes, the destroyer of uncleanness, the purifier.

Kalki is the expression of one who will destroy filth, filth, impurity. Therefore he who bears this name is the Lord who will put an end to evil, but who is also the destroyer of ignorance and darkness.

Acting with the power of pure spiritual virtue, He will save the eternal religion. Lord Visnu, the Supreme Person, the Spiritual Master of all moving and still living beings, the Supreme Soul of all beings, appears to protect the principles of religion and to relieve his devotees from the reactions of material activity.




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