God To His Messenger
Page 53 of 59

Therefore, the fact of not wanting to see the visible, apparent material, rather than seeking to
enter or to try to identify the essence or vital element is the driving principle, take the man to
follow the path of blindness, and it masks the essential sailing her evidence.
Hence the phrase Being of Light.
The images show the man and the light that is in them is hidden.
The man is far too long remained blind, and tight data relating to truth.
It is true that his discharge, made by the Being of Light that he has revealed knowledge
hidden and ignored until now, no man worthy of that name, has taken over.
Even today, religious whose ministry is to lead people, counsel them, crop them if necessary,
and place them on the path to the light by revealing to them the supreme God, do not fulfill
their role.
Many of them, moreover, have strayed from their mission, and engage in proselytism in all
directions, spreading especially in poor areas or poor, the Satanic philosophy, leading men on
the road to perdition by making them believe they are working on behalf of God, which will
deliver them from poverty by providing them with wealth, or miraculously heal. These
faithful believers know that the Satanic religion, they serve the prince of evil, and have only
one purpose, interested in materialism, by making lots of money on their backs. Try my
friends, to recognize the physical assets of these pastors to serve Satan. You would be
surprised to find that they have buildings, television stations, various shops, and they retain
the profits for themselves.
You turn away from them, as were the son of perdition.
Anyone who works on behalf of materialism is not the true God.
It is time for man to go in search of God and therefore it absorbs his words and not of men, in
order to discover itself, ie ie, obtain a more clear and net his real self, which led him to his
true origin, and that flame that gave it life.
There is nothing worse than stopping along the way, do not go up the path and go to the
source, to know where it comes from and seek to discover not only who we are, but also able
to discover what we are and who is our true Father.
Being of Light said rightly.
What do you know the beginning, you're looking for and the end?
The culmination of all that has been said, is to highlight, and the quintessential About Being
of Light mentioned in the preamble highlights, the fountain, the overriding principle or the
river of life which is in the divine essence of God, and he is the sole custodian.
God did he not say.
I am the light path and life.
Yes, not only is really life, since he possesses in his being, the vivifying source of which he is
sole owner, but he only exemption to whomever he wants. Anyone who knows the Supreme
Being, attest to this truth, and notes that God will frequently refers to that man knows that
without this vital, nothing can exist and live.
The first principle that characterizes the divine essence of God is the life, even if at first when
we talk about it, we represent it primarily as our Heavenly Father, Spiritual Being Heavenly
Divine whose being hidden in view of our ignorance, heavenly divine essence and therefore
the fountain or source bracing behind it.
It is she who has the primacy.
That is why the Being of Light says (in plain language).
In light of the divine essence of the Father, the life was manifested, and the representation of
the divine essence is veiled, (make up) to the vivifying source.
When Being of Light is risen among men, he sought by this major act, let them know this
truth and bring to their attention that if he could give his life, he had the power to resume. As
her own life, and having the depth of his being, he alone can remove it or give it to anyone. It




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