God To His Messenger
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The Pharisees and the scribes have received the keys of knowledge and they were hidden.
They have not come inside, and those who want to enter, they are stopping them.
Look, be careful as the serpent and harmless as a dove.
When Being of Light came among men, it was exceeded by so much ignorance, meanness,
delusion, pride, vanity, conceit. There were many men, including policy makers, who
arrogated powers, acquired more often so misleading, or clerics who did the title in
appearance, that working away from philosophy and dogmas deification advocated deviance,
claiming to act on behalf of God, when in reality they sought only their personal well-being,
or standing to assert their social position.
Is it different today?
Politicians, placing himself above the laws to which they remain unaware of the existence
copiously, Argant they are the law, conceal the truth to the people to keep in ignorance of
their true intentions, in this the unspoken goal of preventing him from understanding and thus
to grow.
The text cited in the preamble, and delivered by the Being of Light, denotes sadness about this
What lessons can we draw from it.
It is very difficult to broach this subject without being on, not only offend the sensitivities of
ignorance that man has the spiritual world, see its inability to consider the existence of the
celestial universe, but also skepticism of the Holocaust deniers, whose refusal to admit the
obvious presence of other worlds than ours, their ignorance is matched only unacknowledged,
their pride from a supposed intellectual superiority, which limited their bans any sensible
reflection realistic, objective and clear, that man is not the only thinking beings in the
universe-bit hardware in which it operates, for there are also celestial beings.
Certainly if the believers await with interest the openness to truth, willing to learn more, see
to finally unravel the hidden mysteries revealed to them, I know I will also raise many
objections, which basis of reflection will be located in a total lack of knowledge about the
celestial data, the share of detractors.
I will bring by force conviction and determination, knowledge of men as ignored new to them,
highlighting the knowledge of hidden mysteries, and to me transmisent by the Being of Light.
Since antiquity, man has left rocking by the existence of a unique universe, and a hypothetical
possibility that might exist in another. The deniers are given away to their heart, making every
effort so that the latter case continues, and so be it.
If it is permissible for a man to believe in the existence of the celestial universe, often
approach mental or intellectual, do not follow.
Speaking of the spirit or soul of man, is now commonplace, even if this idea is now inked into
the collective memory, it remains difficult to penetrate for many, remains the domain of the
illusion, dream, unreal, utopia for others, including the denial.
The believer today is used as the only realism, openness of mind, advanced intellectual search
for truth and therefore God, and knows that the material universe-binary exists side of the
spiritual world of heaven, knowing that he is part of a whole.
It is also the only one to wish to know about the true nature of his real self, although in this
context, it is difficult to understand why he is on earth, and how to get out.
But back in time, and us recall the sacred writings, trying to dissect about the Being of Light,
managing to penetrate. We will see then that the Supreme Being, from the beginning and at
several times, talking to men, why using the services of more alert, known as prophets.
If they were chosen by God, simply because they stood apart from the mass of men, who
unlike their contemporary, discovered early on that materialism was a hindrance to progress,
development and l 'spiritual development, and demonstrated a clear step forward in terms of
spirituality, and pierced with ease much of the hidden mysteries also receiving instruction




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