The Way of Liberation, of True Freedom
Page 81 of 102

The spiritual world is all of knowledge, bliss and eternity.

Kṛiṣhṇa, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead rules, alone, over the entire expanse of the spiritual world. All the holy beings who live there recognize him as the only Monarch, and are all subject to him. They all love him, enjoy serving him with love and devotion, and constantly sing his glories.

All holy beings, the great souls who live in the spiritual world are, like God, eternally young. There is neither birth nor death, for all beings are like God unborn and eternal.

In the spiritual world where the attributes of the material nature shine by their absence, everything is eternal, filled with bliss and knowledge.

Everything has the gift to express itself, to move, to hear, to see, and this, in an existence of eternal happiness. In these conditions, naturally neither space nor time, in the form of the past, the present and the future have any influence, since they shine by their absence. There is therefore no change in the spiritual world, since time has no hold. No influence of the total material energy can be detected, which prompts us to become more and more materialistic and to forget the relationship that unites us to God.

As spiritual sparks of the rays emanating from the transcendental body of Lord Krishna, also called spiritual souls, we are eternally connected to Him and participate in His own nature.

The soul is a spiritual spark much brighter, radiant and powerful than the sun, moon or electricity. The soul has a spiritual body, from which emanates a radiance of immaculate whiteness, which envelops it. It has the size of a pretty luminous ball.

Man wastes his life if he does not realize that his true identity is spiritual and not material.

The material energy looks like a gangue that envelops the soul, but in the spiritual world, the beings who live there are free from such a veil, they never lose the memory of their true spiritual identity. They are eternally aware of their bond with God, being situated in their natural condition, which consists in offering a service of transcendental love to the Lord. Since they are constantly absorbed in this transcendental service, it is natural to conclude that their senses are also transcendental in nature, since one cannot serve the Lord with material senses. The hosts of the spiritual world are devoid of material sense, which are aimed solely at dominating the material nature.




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