The Way of Liberation, of True Freedom
Page 72 of 102

Here are the eight characteristics of an already liberated person, of a soul that is still in its fleshly envelope.

  1. It does not commit any sinful activity.
    Indeed, as long as one undergoes the grip of maya, the energy of illusion that is similar to Satan, within the material energy, one is forced to commit guilty activities. Men thus lead a life of sin.
    On the other hand, the soul liberated in its present life is not guilty of any fault. That is why:
  2. She has no illicit sexual intercourse outside marriage.
  3. It does not eat meat, fish and eggs.
  4. It does not use exciting products or toxic substances; drugs, alcohol, coffee, tea, cigarettes.
  5. It does not play games of chance, gambling.
  6. It is not affected by the sufferings of old age.
  7. It is preparing to put on no more material bodies, all destined to perish.
  8. It no longer falls back into the cycle of death and repeated rebirth.

In addition, material joys and pains leave her indifferent. The liberated being no longer experiences desires for material enjoyment, pleasure of the senses, for he has no other aspiration than to serve Krishna, the dearest object of his desires, with love and devotion. In truth, all his desires are turned to Krishna, the Supreme Truth, and he wants nothing else. Finally, all his desires are fulfilled by the grace of Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In any case he asks nothing for himself, and if he desires anything, it is only to serve the Supreme Lord with undisguised joy. Now this desire is fulfilled by the grace of the Lord.

At this stage of liberation, the holy being develops in himself the qualities of God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and returns to the spiritual world, to his original abode, to the Lord. Thus, like Kṛiṣhṇa who is never born or dies, those of His devotees and devotees who return to Him, never have to be reborn or die again in this material universe, for they will never return, it is a promise of God.




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