The Way of Liberation, of True Freedom
Page 40 of 102

All those who love God must re-establish and renew a covenant with him.

God says to this effect: Know that it is the Lord, your God, who is God. This faithful God keeps his covenant and his goodness until the thousandth generation towards those who love him and respect his commandments.

The Lord’s goodness endures from eternity to eternity for those who fear Him, and His righteousness abides for the children of their children, for those who keep His covenant and remember His commandments to put them into practice.

Now, if you listen to My voice and keep my covenant, you will belong to Me personally among the peoples, for all the earth belongs to Me.

The covenant that God makes with men is a union or agreement between the Lord and all those who love him, do his will, abandon themselves to him, serve him with love and devotion and put into practice his word, his teaching, his precepts, its regulatory principles and commands.

This covenant is made and accepted by all men who believe in God, who want to walk beside Him, obey Him and love to please Him.

It commits the one who respects the particular ritual and societal practices established by the Lord, and aims to maintain the human being in purity, and to remain in his position of eternal servant or eternal servant of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

With this sublime knowledge, let us all return to the natural, original, eternal, prestigious and glorious position of eternal servants that we had with Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, at the beginning of all things, and serve Him with love and devotion.

The perfection of existence consists in renewing the bond of love that unites us to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, to love Him, to obey Him, to do His divine will with pleasure and promptness, to bind our desires and interests to His, to offer Him all the fruits of our actions, to abandon ourselves to him, and to serve him with love and devotion, for his total satisfaction.




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