The Way of Liberation, of True Freedom
Page 13 of 102

In truth, at the end of old age, the soul is reincarnated in a new body determined by the acts it has performed throughout its life.

The Lord tells us: «It is the thoughts, the memories of the being at the moment of leaving the body that determine its future condition».

It is indeed the spiritual soul that creates its next body by the force of its personal desires. The Lord’s material energy, in its aspect of material nature, merely provides him with the material envelope through which his desires will be fully satisfied.

For example, in his previous existence, the being incarnate in an animal body was eager to delight in the blood of other animals, by the mercy of the Lord, he is now endowed with material energy, of a tiger body, corresponding to his bloodthirsty desires.

Likewise, he who wishes to obtain a heavenly body on a higher planet, will also be answered by the mercy of the Lord. He who has a more developed intelligence will wish to obtain a spiritual body that allows him to benefit from the company of the Lord. He too will see his desire fulfilled.

Everyone can use as he sees fit the tiny part of freedom that is rightfully his, and the Lord shows such benevolence that He grants each one the particular body to which he aspires.

The innumerable material bodies to be clothed by beings incarnate in this world originate from the false concepts of «I and mine».

The material concept of existence, which in the conditioned soul appears in politics, sociology, philanthropy, altruism, etc., rests entirely on this notion of «I» and «mine», «it is mine», «it is mine», born of a powerful desire for material enjoyment.

This identification of the being to his body and his place of birth, that is to say to the place where he clothed his body, which is manifested by various material notions, such as socialism, nationalism, family or community attachment, or other, has the sole cause of forgetting the true nature of the individual soul. But let the incarnate being thus conditioned enter into contact with an authentic spiritual master, true intimate servant of God, and all his illusions will be swept away.

The various sources at the origin of the perdition of man.

The lack of harmony in human society leads to disaster.

The law of the strongest by which every man in this world must struggle for sustenance results from the lack of harmony between spiritual souls embodied and conditioned by matter, each desiring to dominate material energies.




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