The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 90 of 150

What is the origin of the wickedness of certain demonic beings?

The starting point of the wickedness or cruelty of man, and of the violence which animates him, is the passivity of human society in the face of the non-reaction of the leaders to solve the crimes committed, or even approve of them.

The natural progression of violence inevitably leads to war within human society, and the breeding of various animals, then the killing of the latter in slaughterhouses or in the open sea by trawlers which kill thousands of aquatic beings. , are the most terrible form of violence.

The consumption of animal flesh is absolutely immoral, since it involves an act contrary to morality and divine directives, namely the killing of thousands of living beings. By killing these innocent living beings, man unnecessarily suppresses in himself the highest spiritual ability, which is to have sympathy and pity towards living creatures like himself, and that in thus violating his own feelings, he becomes cruel.

This coldness of heart and the inaction of the vast majority of men in the face of this mass killing, leads evil beings to cultivate a form of impunity, and therefore to manifest their evil ideals through violence, hence the wars, the terrorism, murders, vandalism and clashes in cities, and abortions.

In fact, the cruel slaughter of countless innocent and defenseless animals must be seen as a powerful causal factor in this wave of violence.

If violence is so widespread in human society, it is because of the karmic consequence, of the divine action-reaction law, or law of cause and effect, due to the slaughter of millions of animals in the world. At this age, we find that compassion has almost disappeared.

Consequently, conflicts and wars appear here and there that constantly oppose men and nations. Men do not understand that since they kill so many animals indiscriminately and without restriction, they will in turn have to be killed in war or in various conflicts. Wars and conflicts are constantly breaking out in the world, killing countless numbers of people in a more cruel way than the cruelty inflicted on animals. Sometimes during the war, soldiers hold their enemies in concentration camps where they reserve a atrocious death.




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