The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 78 of 150

God asks us to love all terrestrial and aquatic animals as well as all plants in their diversity, because they deserve our protection.

The universe is populated by innumerable living beings, celestial beings, human beings, animals and plants who, because of their own selfish acts, are reincarnated from one species to another, and thus wander from planet to planet.

All the different bodies of gross matter, that of the celestial being, of the human being, of the terrestrial and aquatic animal and of the vegetable, contain a spiritual soul, and whatever the material envelope in which it resides, it always remains the same.

Spiritual beings, also called spiritual souls, are embodied in various material bodies, but all are foreign to them. According to the form of enjoyment they desire and the cycle of evolution of the species, they transmigrate, reincarnate, from one body to another, going from aquatic forms to plant forms, from plants to reptiles, from reptiles to birds, from birds to terrestrial mammals, to finally obtain the human form, which is rarely obtained.

In this world of dense matter, nature forces us to reincarnate from one body to another according to our material desires. Each being, from the microbe to the perfect celestial being, has a body in conformity with its desires. The intelligent man is not fooled by the varied appearances of these bodies, for he instead sees the spiritual unity of all beings. Whether it resides or inhabits a pig's body or that of a celestial being, the soul is always the same, it remains a tiny part of God. The desire to dominate material nature is the evil from which the embodied soul suffers, fascinated by the pleasures of this world. It is forced to accept different material bodies.

In truth, men, animals and plants interact, bringing to each other elements that facilitate the existence of each. This is why God asks us to protect animals and plants, and to ensure that no one harms them.




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