The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
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3) The mayayapahrta-jnanas, or those whose vast science has been nullified by the grip of material energy. Most are known as great scholars, philosophers, poets, men of letters or scientists, but led astray by illusory energy, they act against the will of the Lord.

Great is their number today, and they are found even among the “specialists” of the Bhagavad-gita. In irrefutable terms, the Bhagavad-gita establishes that Sri Krishna is God, the Supreme Person, to no other inferior or even equal, that the Supreme Soul located in the heart of each is His full emanation, that He is the father of Brahma, of men and beings in general, the origin of the impersonal Brahman and of the Supreme Soul, the source of all that is, that finally all must abandon themselves to His lotus-like feet. However, in spite of these evidences, the mayayapahrta-jnanas consider with irony the Person of God, whom they range among the common people. They are unaware that the human form, this privileged form, is only an image of the spiritual and eternal Form of the Supreme Lord. They therefore refuse to surrender to the lotus feet of Sri Krishna, and of course, to teach this fundamental principle. Consequently, their poor commentaries on the Bhagavad-gita, and their inauthentic interpretations, aparamparas, veil the true meaning of the texts, as well as, at the same time, the understanding of the reader.

4) Asuram bhavam asritas, or consciously, deliberately atheistic and demonic men. Some claim that God cannot descend into the material universe, without being able to say, of course, what would prevent Him. Others would even want Him to have as his origin the impersonal Brahman, when the Bhagavad-gita clearly establishes the opposite. Envious of the Supreme Lord, they invent for their personal use “incarnations” and “Avatars” of all kinds, each more false than the other. Making the denial of the Divine Person the very heart of their existence, they cannot surrender to Sri Krishna, God as Scripture and the great perfect masters recognize it.

Sri Yamunacarya Albandru used to say:

“O Lord! Despite the incomparable character of Your Forms, Your Attributes, Your Acts, despite all the Scriptures which, under the sign of virtue, confirm Your personal nature, and despite all the great sages and scholars of spiritual science who also recognize You as the Supreme Person, You remain inaccessible to atheists.”

Wherefore, in spite of the counsel of all the Scriptures as well as of all the great sages and scholars, the fools, the last of men, the “thinkers” mystified by their own rantings, and the declared atheists, such as we have described in these lines, never surrender to the lotus-like feet of the Supreme Lord.




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