The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 39 of 150

During the transfer from one body to another, the soul is taken away by the servants of Yamaraja, who first take it through a certain type of hellish life so that it becomes accustomed to the condition it will have to live in its next body.

The sufferings that souls undergo in hell are meant to enable them to erase the faults they have committed and to make them realize the extent of their abominable crime, so that they come to their senses, repent, do penance, turn to God, and resolve to obey the Lord and not do it again.

This is what happens to the souls who, because of their sinful acts in their last life, will have to be reincarnated in the Horn of Africa where they will have to endure a very harsh existence due to prolonged drought, lack of water and food. They end up with a very thin body.

This also happens to souls who have to live in extreme poverty, in the middle of the forest, in mountainous areas or in extreme cold.

It is sometimes said that man knows heaven and hell on planet earth, because hellish punishments are also seen there. If these punishments exist on the infernal planets, it is above all to allow the being who undergoes them to train to live in infernal conditions to which he will be subjected in his future life, after which he is reborn on another planet to continue his hellish existence there. For example, if a man is condemned to live in hell and swallow excrement and urine there, he will first have to train there on the planet of Yamaraja, after which he will obtain a particular body, in this case that of a pig, allowing him to believe that he enjoys existence by eating excrement. In all conditions, even the most abominable, the fallen soul believes itself happy. Otherwise it would be impossible for him to experience such hellish living conditions.

The Lord confirms: “After leaving his body, the man who has supported himself and his family by sinful acts, must undergo a life of hell, and with him his loved ones”.

When a man makes money through dishonest means and uses it to support himself and his loved ones, many members of his family will benefit, but he alone will go to hell. A person who enjoys life by earning money or envying the condition of others, and who enjoys living with family and friends, will have to reap the fruits of the sins accumulated during his life of violence and iniquity.

For example, if a man gets money by killing someone and he uses it to support his family, those who benefit from these obscure gains also have to take some responsibility, and that goes to hell. But the head of the family will be particularly punished.

The Lord said again, “Then, whoever aspires intensely to maintain his family and his relatives, to the point of using only illicit means, will surely know the darkest region of hell, known as Andhatamisra.”

It is the duty of a married man to provide for his family, but he must endeavor to earn his living in the ways prescribed in the Holy Scriptures. It is a matter of living honestly in accordance with one's nature or the social class to which one belongs, taking into account the spiritual nature and spiritual elevation, acquired.

Man must not earn his living by dubious means, or through activities for which he is not qualified. Whoever secures his livelihood by unfair means is consigned to the darkest regions of hell.




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