The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 125 of 150

Why does God allow the soul to go astray in the material universe?

Must undergo the cycle of successive reincarnations and thus know the tribulations of rebirths, diseases, old people and the repeated deaths that are linked to them, all those who reject God, who challenge his authority, who envy him and have a bodily conception of existence.

The Lord allows the soul that wants to go astray to slip to the lowest point of existence, for the sole purpose of giving it the opportunity to judge for itself whether

it can be happy or not by thus misusing its independence. Most of the embodied, matter-conditioned souls who languish in the material universe misuse their independence, so that they all plunge into delusion and suffer life after life.

Because all human beings have a bodily conception of existence in which sense pleasure is the foundation and concupiscence the major poison, they will suffer unceasingly life after life. There can be neither peace nor prosperity on earth under these conditions, but only aggression, violence and war.

Putting the Lord in our mind, being permeated with God consciousness, reasoning and acting as a spiritual entity, placing ourselves under the authority of Krishna, the Supreme Person in His Personal, Primordial, Original, Infinite and Absolute form, and loving one another, will bring peace and harmony on earth.

True poverty.

In truth, true poverty is not to be totally helpless, no, true poverty is to be distant from God, to have forgotten who He is, and to no longer know how He really is.

The true children of God, the servants and handmaidens of the Lord never seek to obtain anything in the world of men, because they evolve and work exclusively in the spiritual sphere, and therefore dwell among the poor, the penniless. .

This is why Jesus said: foxes have dens, and the birds of the air have nests, but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head.

God encourages them in these terms: this is the inheritance they will have, it is I who will be their inheritance. You will give them nothing, for I will be their possession.

This is why each of these children of God, of these servants and servants of the Lord will tell you: in the world of men I have nothing, because I am poor. But yet, what God has given me, all the gold in the universe cannot match. What could you give me that I don't already have?




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