The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 118 of 150

The human condition offers the opportunity to know this eternal truth, and the first aphorisms of the revealed holy writings state that it is the duty of man, now that he enjoys this privilege, to inquire into the spiritual life, and to the Absolute Truth, which is none other than Krishna, God, the Supreme Person Himself.

Men of limited intelligence do not care about this other existence, relative to the spiritual level. They prefer to ask all sorts of worthless questions of a material nature, which do not concern their eternal future or relating to true existence.

Some never question the fundamental problems of existence, thus placing themselves at the same level as the animal. There is no difference between man and animal in so far as these are the four primary activities of animal life, for in reality every living being, in order to survive, must eat, sleep, mate and defend himself. But only the human condition is destined for a quest for eternal life and transcendence. Whoever fails to raise these judicious questions about real life, is assured, by the laws of nature, to fall back into the animal kingdom. This is why, even a fool seems to have great knowledge in the field of material science, he cannot escape the cruel clutches of death, this is the law of nature.

This law operates in three ways: virtue, passion and ignorance. The beings governed by virtue qualify for the higher order of spiritual existence. Those who are dominated by passion maintain their position in the material world, and those who live under the rule of ignorance are assured of falling among the lower species, animal and even plant.

The very structures of our civilization are at great risk, for they do not include the answers to the primordial questions that are attached to the essential aspects of existence. The mass of people are unaware that the laws of nature have already decided their fate, and they allow themselves to be charmed by the so-called sweetness of life. The inveterate materialist, who is interested only in material matters related to the pleasures of the senses, is unaware that the path he is following is ephemeral, uncertain, full of pitfalls, and leads him to a dead end. He does not ask himself the basic questions of the spiritual life. Whether one is living in a family or as a hermit renouncing materialism and working only in the spiritual sphere, the important thing is to ask the relevant spiritual questions.

The materialist is not concerned with the essential questions. He has no idea what will happen to him after death. He lives in the world of impermanence, and will never ask about that which is permanent, the spiritual world. The time has come to want to know the true knowledge, to have all the answers about the spiritual world, its creator, God, and how to get there?




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