aptitudes, aptitudes which will develop in one who manifests an attitude of service. The service of the Lord begins with the tongue, in other words, with song; It is by chanting Hare Krishna that the service of love and devotion to the Lord begins. The tongue also fulfills another function, that of tasting the meal consecrated to the Lord. Accordingly, we must begin to serve the Infinite using our tongue, and become perfect by chanting Hare Krishna and accepting the holy supper of the Lord. So one must use the tongue to sing the Holy Name and to eat the sacred meal of the Lord; the other senses will then be dominated. Song is the prescribed medicine, and the sacred meal is the diet. With these two practices, the being can take his first steps on the path of devotional service; As this service increases, the Lord reveals more and more truths to his devotee. And since His glories know no bounds, so is the service offered to Him.
Pure devotional service, performed in full Krishna consciousness, is unique in essence.
Service devotion is the way of developing love for God, in its pure state, without the slightest tinge of self-serving [karma, action-reaction or law of cause and effect] or philosophical speculation. It is the final stage of union with the Lord, and is practiced through surrender of oneself to Krishna, the Supreme Lord through nine devotional activities; Listening to what has to do with the Lord, glorifying the Lord, remembering the Lord, serving the Lord with love and devotion, worshiping the Lord, offering prayers to the Lord, doing the will of the Lord, befriending the Lord, and surrender to the Lord, under the guidance of a spiritual master, authentic servant of God.
By recovering our natural position, of spiritual soul, and by serving the Supreme and Almighty Lord, Krishna, infinite reservoir of all pleasures, He who abides in every being as a Supreme Soul, we will quickly forget the illusory conception of “je” and “mine”.
Under the influence From a bodily conception of existence, the human being believes to have a father, a mother, brothers and sisters, friends, or to belong to a community, a nation. The notions of “I” and “mine” represent the driving force of the material world as a whole. This is the origin of the attraction that human beings have for matter. However, whoever falls under the spell of these primordial illusory conceptions, “I” and “mine”, will have to remain in this material world, in sometimes prestigious and sometimes sordid conditions.
By the grace of Lord Krishna, the sages remind us not to persevere in this material conception of “I” and “mine”, and to understand that service alone of devotion offered to the Lord can easily overcome this illusory concept of existence.