He must thus cross ninety-nine thousand (99,000) yojanas [ie; 5,766,000,000 kilometers] in two or three moments, after which he is immediately subjected to the torture he deserves.
It is seen placed in the middle of burning pieces of wood and its limbs are set in flames. In some cases, he is forced to eat his own flesh, or else he is made to eat by others.
His entrails are torn from him by the dogs and vultures of hell while he still lives to assist to the stage; and snakes, scorpions, mosquitoes and other creatures sting and tormenting him.
His limbs are then torn from his body and torn to pieces by elephants. It is thrown from the top of the mountains, and imprisoned under water or in a cave.
Men and women who have based their existence on the satisfaction of illicit carnal desires are placed in all kinds of conditions horrible in the hells of the name of Tamisra, Andha-tamisra and Raurava.
It is sometimes said that man knows Heaven or Hell on this very planet (earth), because hellish punishments are also visible there.
After leaving his body, the man who has provided for himself and his family by sinful acts must endure a life of hell, and with him his relatives., he joins the dark regions of hell after leaving his present body, and the money he has acquired by envying other beings is the price he pays to leave this world.
So, next the plan of the Sovereign Lord, whoever has only supported his loved ones is plunged into an infernal condition, in order to suffer p for his sinful acts, like a man who has lost his fortune.
Subsequently, anyone who so intensely aspires to support his family and loved ones, to the point of resorting only to illicit means, will surely experience the darkest region of hell known as Andhatamisra
After having passed through all the conditions of hellish suffering and having known in the natural order the lowest forms of animal life, the 'to be having thus purged his faults is reborn again in a human form on this earth.
The journey of the incarnated spiritual soul.
As indicated in the previous chapter, after having passed through various hellish living conditions, the spiritual being takes on a human form again. The soul is introduced