The Words of God
Page 29 of 121

Purified by the loving and devotional service that she dedicates to the Lord Krishna, a person can very quickly free himself from all material activities, even in present life, and thus enjoy pure existence on the transcendental plane. If an ignorant person who has not conquered his material senses does not adhere to the Vedic injunctions, he will certainly engage in sinful and irreligious activities. Thus, his reward will be repeated birth and death. By carrying out without attachment the regulated activities prescribed in the Vedas, the original holy scriptures, offering the results of such activity to the Supreme Lord, one attains perfection and freedom from the slavery of material activity. The fruitful material results offered in the revealed holy scriptures are not the real goal of Vedic knowledge, but are intended to stimulate the interest of the postulant.

In this material world, every good or bad deed is to be held defiled or faulty, because of its link with the material. The conditioned being, deprived of reason, believes that he is engaged in charitable action by opening for the material good of others hospitals or educational establishments providing material instruction, but he is unaware that such enterprises are also faulty, because they will not allow him to escape the phenomenon of transmigration, of reincarnation.

The alleged acts of virtue performed in the material universe can allow their author to be reborn in a noble family or on the planets superior, among the inhabitants of the Edenic, paradisiacal planets, but such acts also prove to be faulty, because they do not involve liberation, salvation. Being born in a pleasant place or in a good family does not imply that one will escape material tribulations, birth, sickness, old age and death. The conditioned soul, under the grip of material nature, cannot understand that any action performed for the pleasure of the senses is impure and that only the service of love and devotion offered to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person. can free him from all impurities, make all his suffering disappear, and allow him to know Lord Krishna as he is. Thus, because she does not put an end to her wrongful acts, she must pass from one body to another, within species sometimes high, sometimes the lowest. The material universe is a place from which one cannot escape. Whoever desires liberation should direct his activities towards the service of Devotion. There is no other alternative available to him.

Whoever desires to quickly cut the knot of the false ego [of domination of material nature and identification with one's body], which binds the spiritual soul, must worship the Supreme Lord, Krishna. The worshiper must become fully engrossed in meditating on himself as the Lord's eternal servant, and therefore must worship God perfectly, remembering that the Lord is also located in his heart. Thus, the worshiper of the Supreme Lord must recognize that the Supreme Person, Krishna, is omnipresent and must worship him by his presence in the heart of the guest one receives in his house, and also in his own heart. In this way, the worshiper will obtain liberation very soon. Liberation consists in finding one's original position, that of serving the Lord. When the living being detaches himself from all material attraction and becomes absorbed in the loving and devotional service offered to Krishna, God,




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