Chaitanya, The Golden Avatar
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But when he found himself face to face with the Lord, he was struck by his profound knowledge of Sanskrit, of the service of love and devotion offered to the Lord which characterizes the commitment, once purified, the senses of being. individual at the service of the senses of the Lord, and of the great love which emanated from Chaitanya.

Immediately immersed in humility, Sarvabhauma converted and became the ardent disciple of Lord Chaitanya.

Vasudeva was a simple religious guide, who was excommunicated by society because he suffered from leprosy. Compassionate as He was, Chaitanya approached him and kissed him lovingly. Within a second, Vasudeva was freed from leprosy and recovered completely, becoming a normal being like everyone else.

This is the healing power of his love.

Pundit Sreebas was one of Lord Chaitanya's greatest devotees. A feast of glorifying the Supreme Lord was held at the residence of Sreebas on this day. Chaitanya and his disciples sang and danced in great joy. Sreebas's grandson died of cholera at that time without their knowledge. Although his wife was broken with pain, Sreebas chose to join the guests, in order to take part in the party, and thus continued to dance, unaffected by the tragedy that had struck him.

When Chaitanya learned of the death of the grandson of Sreebas, He requested that the boy's body be brought to Him. He ordered him to speak. The boy's soul immediately entered the body he had left to go to a wonderful world, and made it clear that he was happy to be there now. This magnificent divine gesture of Lord Chaitanya allowed the bereaved family to be assured and even blessed.

Lord Chaitanya would sometimes mysteriously come out of the locked rooms in which He was located, and He would then appear in several evenings at a time during the chariot festival at Jagannatha Puri, where the chanting of the Holy Names of Krishna was enthusiastically hummed. The chariot festival was celebrated annually to celebrate Krishna's return to Vrindavana after the battle of Kuruksetra.

During the chipped rice festival, He visited Lord Nityananda, his full emanation who accompanied him in his magisterium, being invisible, and the latter gave him pieces of chipped rice. Most of the gathered devotees did not understand what Lord Nityananda was doing, but those who benefited from the spiritual vision could see that Lord Chaitanya was present.

He also healed the wounds of Sanatana, and resuscitated the deceased son of Srivasa Thakura.




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