God - The Revelation Of The 13th Way's Insider
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For them, the Teacher of Righteousness was naturally the MASTER, as holder and dispenser
of knowledge and truth, because he taught men the data hitherto unknown, and JUSTICE
since he came to save and liberate men darkness that was also defeated.
CHRIST, MASTER OF JUSTICE and Savior of mankind, to the materialism in which they
were mired advanced.
Men do not always know who they are, where they come from, and where they go. They
know what they do and what will the worlds to come. They darkness to light.
Whatever their race or skin color, all those taking part in the hope of resurrection they shall be
my people, the people of Israel that I assemble around my name for the save. I speak of the
circumcision of the heart of the world. I am the God of Israel.
Thus saith the LORD, who stretched out the heavens and founded the earth and formed the
spirit of man within him.
The Essenes were the only ones to recognize the Messiah, and respect, he attributed the title
The Teacher of Righteousness and Christ, are one. What I say will surprise many, but do you
know about the being of light, the Holy Spirit, the One God?
You know all about him.
If you came here today, and he has done, you would not recognize even know hidden for new
men to relieve it. You know all the love it bears to spiritual entities.
I am one of the few entities to whom the spiritual BEING OF LIGHT reveals the truth, said
that he is, as would a father against his son, to whom he revealed his inner self.
Yes verily I say unto you, the being of light is made known to men long ago already, and
continuing even today. But then, you do not.
It is written:
"The people elected, consisted of men who wandered as blind as people who seek the path
groping. God considered their work as a perfect heart, they had searched, and raised them up a
Teacher of Righteousness to lead them in the way dear to his heart and to make known to
generations past, what would the last generation. "
Coming complete God's work of putting up a new heaven, a new generation Land, Christ, the
being of light, showed the men he was indeed the foundation, foundations, cement, stone
corner light.
As I've said before, the BEING OF LIGHT has ended the first great generation, and set up
another one to which we belong, indicating that it was subject to new rules, respect the laws
enacted and revealed by Moses, applied literally, the precepts and commandments.
The last great generation has new provisions introduced since the advent of Christ. The
spiritual entities have now become one, and will be judged individually according to their
works. The kingdom of God is now effective, and spreads throughout the kingdom of heaven.
The BEING OF LIGHT finished his great work and God, in saving and releasing the spiritual
entities incarnated (men) and those who were prisoners of Hades. He opened the door of
heaven closed until then, and that prevented the spiritual entities having access to the
heavenly universe.
It is written:
"Then a new heaven will appear, all the powers of heaven shines a hundredfold. Then come
many centuries, countless, endless. "
Whoever sent me asking me to show you what you have always escaped, so I saved the few
elect who is among you, and also for the whole world to hear.
Word of God to Moses:
"Only take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul, all the days of thy life, lest thou forget the
things your eyes saw, and they depart from thy heart. Teach them to your children and your
children's children. "




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