God - The Revelation Of The 13th Way's Insider
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and made their, words and precepts of God but not indulge yourself and come to the counter
and reject achieving a perfect self-control in acting without calculation or ulterior motive,
That is why our presence on earth is a chance for us, because God gives us the opportunity to
learn the lessons necessary for our purification being confronted with evil, knowing what it
represents, in penetrating these harmful and destructive effects so that eventually we are able
to reject the hating, as God himself hates him and those who give. Finally, we must reject
materialism in all its aspects.
Do not most of these blind men my friends, who all too many weakness and ignorance, blame
God for all the ills and disabilities of men. They are recognizable because they say too often
when confronted with various pain:
What have I done to God, why do you make me suffer so much.
The pain and suffering extend over all the earth, where is God?
Mas friends, do not accuse God falsely, for there is nothing. Those are charges of shameless
and unfounded, based on ignorance and refusal to admit that we ourselves have an important
responsibility on what happens. Men wicked son of Satan, attribute to God that emanates
from their heart.
An American lawyer, then a defender sentenced to death, had told his people: our society is
sick because she was afraid of seeing his own inhumanity against others.
Yes, man has become insensitive to pain, the suffering of others and express their inhumanity
against others if it affects a member of his family.
Christ had said about the wicked:
Woe unto you wicked men, because you clean the outside of the cup and platter but within
they are full of extortion and excess.
Cleanse first the inside of the cup and platter, that the outside also may become clean. Outside
you appear righteous unto men, but inwardly you people full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
Do not follow the perverse reasoning of those who claim or justify the wickedness of man as
natural, for conformity with what transpires in society. This is simply petty and monstrous.
Make way for these people.
Remember that our presence on earth is precisely due to evil, whose mentor is none other than
Satan. One major reason why we are on earth, is mainly to learn the various facets of
wickedness, to be confronted, in the matter. The ultimate goal is not to return evil we have
suffered, whatever the circumstances and to hate evil in all its forms.
The earthly life offers us this opportunity, hard indeed difficult but necessary. Thanks to the
difficulties, bullying, insults, humiliation, suffering from the evil that we build our spiritual
essence and pay little by little purer. Remember the words of Christ:
First wash the inside of the cup and platter.
But many are poor, poor, needy, who feel abandoned by God, or who complain about their
conditions. The latter does not simply render account, they are on the right path, one that leads
to the liberation of the spiritual entity. They are the best school, one that opens the mind,
which gives access to reality, indeed. They need to consider their situation as an opportunity,
because it leads to a greater awareness, namely to enable them to enter data about the
rejection of materialism, those pernicious that the man away from light. They can reach a state
only they can know. Humble by nature, they know what is the inner light.
Christ said:
Do not labor for food that perishes, but for that which endures to eternal life, and the son of
man will give you.
Woe unto the world because of scandals, because it is necessary that offenses come, but woe
to that man by whom the offense cometh.




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