God - The Revelation Of The 13th Way's Insider
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There was at that moment that God, as we respectfully call the Holy Spirit, one spiritual
The first moments have been utilized to realize fully the LORD wanted to pursue his creative
and innovative, adding him since he was now all of the existing space, regions or celestial
celestial universe, and as spiritual beings. But for this it needed to emerge from its divine
essence, the creative principle.
So to fill the emptiness of all existence of anything, which is the component, the LORD,
whose essence is a spiritual union of five spirits in one, five or divine sources, each with
specific skills , giving a unit in their extraordinary power to the Divine Being, use one of its
sources or divine principles, to form in him a being of light, which is itself the representation.
It is as if the LORD GOD was in a split or self-generated again, so that the double divine act,
be and become the Word, God the Creator.
God has therefore again somehow from one of the five divine sources, self-created, giving his
new representation, his new self, a new spiritual form with other skills, have always been its
spiritual essence the same qualities and especially the life-giving source and the creative
principle. This first of BEING OF LIGHT, which is none other than God himself, is best
known men as the Word, God the creator of all things, the only Son, the Word.
It is written:
In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. It was in
the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and nothing has been done has
been done without it. In him was life, and life was the light of men.
You know now, the first Being of Light, is none other than the Holy Spirit, one God, the
firstborn son. Having its divine source quickening which he alone is the possessor and
dispenser, it is also the creative source and origin of all lives. Under this new spiritual form,
that of the FIRST BEING OF LIGHT, GOD proceeded to the creation of five regions or
celestial universe.
The intentions of the FIRST BEING OF LIGHT, were put in place universe or life is good,
reflecting the underlying personality of the LORD, based on kindness, affinity, peace, love,
justice, the humility, self-giving. Nature is exuberant, vibrant, the atmosphere exudes a rich
fragrance. The darkness is naturally absent, because in these worlds, the light always shines
and the temperature constantly tempered.
These celestial spiritual universe, created by the Son to his kingdom itself infinite, were
founding principle, the data related to eternity, or can only evolve as spiritual beings or
celestial beings (angels) are allowed. Once these heavenly universe created the first BEING
OF LIGHT creation of principles from which he is owner and invigorating his source in his
divine essence, FIVE CELESTIAL ENTITIES he placed in their breasts, so that 'they will
each assume stewardship. And to help them in their tasks, the Son created assistants I call
heavenly angels.
God created them ALL, spiritual celestial bodies on the same principle that he, with base in its
spiritual essence.
No being, it is heavenly, spiritual entity as we created in the image of God, that is to say the
same divine principle that God himself can not live if he did not received the spark of life
from the life-giving source whose God is the sole owner and sole propagator.
Therefore, only the Son, the first being of light, creates and gives life, being itself the
Supreme Being.
After this first phase, or God has confined its creation, universe and celestial bodies celestial
or heavenly kingdom, that is to say, by placing them at higher chain of evolution and spiritual
elevation, area or spiritual entities can access after having purified their spiritual essence.
God, or rather his other self, the first Being of Light, decided to create a world of lower level,
giving this region a new texture different from previous ones, ensuring that the material that




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